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Contact Us

As of March 19, 2017 we've been located at: 905 Victoria Avenue East, Thunder Bay
Mailing address: 403-C1100 Memorial Ave., Thunder Bay, ON P7B 4E3
Ph: 807 623 3522
Email: noahc@tbaytel.net

Our Directors:
Archie Gribben - Membership
George Holborn - President
Mary-Alice Isaac
David Kemp - Newsletter Editor
Denise Lyzun - Executive Secretary
David Sutton - Treasurer
Liz Wieben - Past President

Non Directors:
David Bryan - Assets
John Hill - Harvard & Future Events
Marvin Lassi - IT
Thomas Skoropad - Web/Social Media/Canada Helps/Administrator - social@noahc.org

At our 2023 AGM, the following member has stepped down from his duties on the board. NOAHC would like to thank John Hill for his service organizing the Wings of Time Harvard Event and service helping the vision of preserving our rich local aviation history happen.

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Page updated on 2025/01/02

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